XXXVI INTERNATIONAL MINING CONGRESS AND EXHIBIT 2025 MINING UNITED FOR MEXICO Call for Technical Paper Submissions at the XXXVI International Mining Convention The Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists, and Geologists of Mexico, A.C. (AIMMGM, A.C.), is pleased to invite you to participate in its XXXVI INTERNATIONAL MINING CONVENTION 2025, to be held from November 19 to 22, 2025, at the Mundo Imperial Fairgrounds in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Recognized as the most significant event in Mexico’s mining industry, the International Mining Convention showcases advancements in research and technological innovation presented by national and international experts. In this regard, the AIMMGM, A.C., announces this CALL FOR TECHNICAL PAPER SUBMISSIONS under the following requirements: 1. Topics Submissions must contribute to the advancement of the mining sector in the following thematic areas: a) Mining b) Metallurgy c) Geology d) General Topics Authors must specify the thematic area to which their work pertains. Submissions may include research, applications, initiatives, projects, case studies, or lessons learned from successful or failed experiences that provide valuable insights for future endeavors. Submissions must not contain advertising for products or equipment. The technical program aims to address the industry’s expectations by presenting an updated review of trends and strategies within the sector. The committee responsible for the technical component of the convention is committed to: • Providing attendees with high-level technical information that supports the identification of optimal solutions for specific challenges. • Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences among colleagues to advance the mining industry as a whole. • Creating opportunities for interaction between national professionals and invited international experts. 2. Categories Technical papers may be submitted in the following formats: a) Full-length papers for oral presentation. b) Posters, which may be digital or printed. The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to select papers that meet the requirements and are of significant interest to the mining community. 3. Guidelines for Full-Length Papers for Oral Presentation The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to select papers that meet the requirements and are of significant interest to the mining community. Technical papers must: • Be written in Spanish or English. • Be original and unpublished, not currently under review elsewhere. • Include a full-length manuscript subject to review by evaluators appointed by the Technical Papers Committee. The paper must include the following sections: • Title: Brief, specific, and aligned with the paper’s content. • Authors: Full names of all authors. • Affiliation: Names of the companies or institutions with which the authors are affiliated. • Email: Contact information for the primary author only. • Abstract: In Spanish and English, 250–350 words in length. • Introduction: Motivation, objective, location, and prior studies. • Methodology: Description of methods or procedures used, with references to cited literature if applicable. • Results: Description of findings. • Conclusions: Summary of contributions. • Acknowledgments: Recognition of individuals and institutions involved, specifying their contributions. • References Cited: Alphabetically ordered references cited in the text. Follow this format: Ramsay, J.G., Casey, M., & Kligfield, R. (1983). Role of shear in development of the Helvetic fold-thrust belt of Switzerland. Geology, 11, 439–422. Formatting: • Maximum length: 12 pages, including tables and figures. • Use Arial 12-point font, single-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. • File size must not exceed 20 MB. • Figures and tables must be in .tif or .jpg format, compression level 10, and 300 dpi resolution. Integrate them into the text. 4. Evaluation The Technical Papers Committee will evaluate submissions based on relevance and may request clarifications but not modifications. Results will be communicated via acceptance or rejection letters sent to the primary author’s email. Non-selected papers for oral presentation may be included in the poster session if the authors agree. 5. Guidelines for Posters Posters must: • Be written in Spanish or English. • Be original and unpublished, not currently under review elsewhere. • Include a summary for review by evaluators appointed by the Technical Papers Committee. 6. Submission Deadline Full papers must be submitted to the Technical Papers Committee at by July 31, 2025. The email subject must specify the chosen thematic area. Include a brief résumé with a photograph of the presenter or poster author. Sincerely, Technical Papers Committee trabajos.tecnicos@co
